Rumah Soleha
So the day had came.....Charity Drive for Rumah Solehah...the day b4 the event, ostrova, evon, dragon, milo, jo and mash had went to prepare everything e.g cleaning the place, giving flier around the neighbourhood....
Saturday 25th June 2005
Backdrop & Décor
1) Dragon
2) Me!!
3) Anita
4) Mash
Fliers distribution
Frankie’s car i) Ray & Jo eva
Evon's car ii) Ostrova & Me
The day itself
12:00 noon Arrival of VIP - Dragon
Jac - Frankie
Reception - Jo Eva & Evon
Press - Anita & Dragon
Photography - Priest
F & B - Ostravo & Mash (prepare drinks)
Emcee - Ray
Games - Ostrova & Ray
Prizes - Jo Eva & Evon
Gifts &
Contribution - Dragon & Mash
lol i was assigned to like around 100+ pix..
the whole thing was meaningful and fun too :P plus i had took pix wif jac to put up as an animated GIF in forum hehehehehehe...jadi...very funny wan la
Jacsville had sucessfully raised RM3000 for RS...
good job ^-^

Saturday 25th June 2005
Backdrop & Décor
1) Dragon
2) Me!!
3) Anita
4) Mash
Fliers distribution
Frankie’s car i) Ray & Jo eva
Evon's car ii) Ostrova & Me
The day itself
12:00 noon Arrival of VIP - Dragon
Jac - Frankie
Reception - Jo Eva & Evon
Press - Anita & Dragon
Photography - Priest
F & B - Ostravo & Mash (prepare drinks)
Emcee - Ray
Games - Ostrova & Ray
Prizes - Jo Eva & Evon
Gifts &
Contribution - Dragon & Mash
lol i was assigned to like around 100+ pix..
the whole thing was meaningful and fun too :P plus i had took pix wif jac to put up as an animated GIF in forum hehehehehehe...jadi...very funny wan la
Jacsville had sucessfully raised RM3000 for RS...
good job ^-^

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