Grand Finale
Sorry guys...been isomania for a few days..sleepy and no semangat doing things...
heheh talk about the finale... IT WAS THE BEST .....
Celebrate teacher's farewell party....Gave teacher some decoration item and a book. Hope both of the teacher remember and treasure the gifts. :P
Went home quickly prepare my stuff to Genting for the Malaysian Idol finale... :P
2.30pm only leave Subang, waited for Amir to pick me, Leon and Winson up from Carrefour Subang. Been listening to the CD that I burned earlier, contain Farah, Nita and some idol songs. :P On the way to Genting, the place was raining badly so as well the same with the visibility...blurry, cant see anything. And there are a few Malaysian Idol bantings and banners. Less than last year, and then fill with all the chinese singer's banting wakakakakaka....What else? one mercedes benz damn freaking arrogant by not switching the lights didn't see that car on our back..maybe got accident or something XDXD. Reached Theme Park hotel on 4.30pm. Phoned Jon cause he's the one that doing our room booking. After we checked in to the hotel. Amir started to unload his laptop and camcorder...hehe record the whole show....After he set up his things. We went down to First World Plaza to get something to eat. We went to Burger King and I encountered something freaky. Two girls which apparently asking for donation for all the unfortunate children. When I said I don't want and yet they still want to argue. In the end guess what the girl said? "I never met somebody like you!!!" LOL!!!! I was so shock...wakakakaka....guess thier are too desprete for donations...anyway after we ate, I followed Amir to get my camera and my banner then straight to Arena Of Stars. Met Shen Chun, Yong Wei, Dwayne, Gavin and Moo Chi Hau. Gave them the xtra ticket...hehehe...Then went to the gate..where us, the forummers went wild by screaming out loud..LOL...all the Daniel's fan scream like as if there is nobody...but who cares anyway..LOL...Went in and get a good place....WE managaed to get the center upper seats...Sat down and wait. Thats what we can do...LOL....After 1/2 hour had pass, met some of the MI1 finalists & MI2 finalists coming down. I said Hi to everyone...hehe, Sufiah's dress was great. Haven't met her since May. LOL...Then the other people...normal la...wakakaka...and Kak Jee's hairstyle looks like Alicia Key's..hehehee...then after that the show started... In case some of you don't know. Roslan was missing in action even the show had ady started. Then we started to shout "WHERE IS ROSLAN?" lol, I think the TV can listen what we shouted. XDXD, started off with PopYeYe and Shut Up by MI2 finalists.. IT was nicee..
The performence
- Daniel's Mimpi was pitchy (2/5), Heaven Knows(4/5), Angin Malam(3.5/5)
- Nita's Berhenti Berharap (4/5), Big Spender (3/5), Mimpi(4.5/5)
After that the duet, 'Kau Dihatiku/ You'll be In My Heart', the tarzan theme song. LOL...It was comment... But I got lots of comment on the audience...The audience are not sporting enough as someone had told me a few days ago that "priest, I heard you shouted something about Daniel's fan in a bad manner," I was saying that you people are not sporting enough, cheer only for Daniel while not Nita, the same goes to Nita's supporter. I'm so piss off...Only a few of the forummers actually gila gila and cheer like mad people LOL....
After the show, went back to hotel and watched the clip that Amir recorded. hehe...then went to underground mamak...and starbucks...LOL...Forumming in Genting...wakakaka....summore take and post wan...LOL picture...then after hanging out in starbuck for a few hours... Went to send Amir because he got something on at his college on the next morning...He went home around 2.30am and reach his house around 4.30am.. Er after that we went to Nim's room and talk, joke, gila gila
Later went back to hotel, talked to Ostrova and gang then went back to room. Leon and Winson continue thier day by playing PS1 while I went to bed because of sleepyness LOL...
-end of day 1-

Wake up at 7am. Misscalled Nim..LOL...thats the only thing I can do...then went walking around in the hotel..Doing nothing...thats damn around 10am, went to 1st world plaza as Ostro and the gang were eating in there...LOL...err...Met up with Nim and we went to McD to have our breakfast/lunch/branch..LOL..then 1pm there was this Meet The Judge we went there and see what's happening...hehehe...For our infomation, we can get VIP passes to the after party...OMFG...IT WAS A BOMB...wanted to get the passes, but someone went faster than us..dammit..but Teng and Ostro managed to get 6 passes..enough for 6 of us, Evon, Revo, Yen, Teng, Ostro and ME.. :D :D we were the most happening crowd there XDXD...ggagaga....going to storm 8Team at 2.45pm 1st world hotel lobby..wakakakaka...we go minum while waiting the time to pass...hehehehe.....went there...wanted to win the tix...but someone damn keji lorr...actually they played a game...something like musical chair and then makan biscuit...damn keji man...evon, yumi and a girl was the people that got thru and stand a chance to win the vip passes...but goddammit the girl played cheat...idiot man..pass the biscuit to her friends...and yet we cant say anything...evon stopped eating the biscuit and yumi is the one that gila gila eat until cry...damn those ppl..LOL..then went back to sleep....5.45pm storm 8team again...wakakakaka..also tak dapat..then masuk to Arena of stars with the VIP pass..while we were waiting for the show to start...some of them sleeping, some of them playing with phone and some of them talking..we know the show is going to be a blast
quick recap
-Michael with backup dancers...LOL
-Brineyboy once again
-MI1 finalist did Ku Bawa Sinar followed by Jac's Gemilang
-PingPong with her zombie move LOL!!!!
-MI2 finalist medley, Trish(Shakles), Ejay(Since U been gone), Xerra(Brown eyes, some whacko gave her ballons), Atilia(Natural Woman), Azam&adam(mentera semerah padi), Ash(With Or Without You), Faizull(Peronda Jaket Biru) & Farah(Ain't No Mountain High Enough), and Daniel & Nita came out with Menanti Jawapan and Higher Deeper, followed by MI2 and MI1 finalists...IT WAS THE BOMB...LOL
-Daniel announced as the 2nd Malaysian Idol...LOL..
along the show i've been screaming like mad people...LOL...
then straight balik hotel and watched the press conference...tried to call in to ask q but the line was busy..LOL...saw Nim ask q for a few times..:P then after the press conference we are going to PARTYYYY....hehehe i mean the postPARTY...yeahhh that the way...
Went to the entrace as if we're the VIP(LOL), went inside and say hi and take pix with season 1 finalists...hehehe...approach too many people... LOL...banyaknye orang in the place...LOL....then after Daniel and Nita arrive..hehee..all gone wild..after all taking pix etc etc..Went dancing in the floor(sort of clubbing la) LOL...not warm up boread decice to go said hi to people.... everyone was great...hehehehe...cant describe...the idols, forummers, judges etc etc was COOL AND HAPPENING..LOVE YA PEOPLE LOL!!!...then danced with Atilia, she's hot :P XDXDXD....and trish, Amir and NIM...the paling wild wan wakakakakaa...LOL and the party ended around 2.30am...went back to hotel, saw pingpong, vick, evon, ostro waiting for ppl..then went followed Amir to McD, then Shaz(one of the 8Team member) joined me and Amir for a drink in 1st world talk talk..then all of them had to go farah and her friends in the same restaurant...then went back to hotel, saw revo, ostro and evon drinking..waakaka..went to join them..saw azam & rydee... hehehe then trish & atilia went to buy something to eat....then ejay with her bf and finally jac and the jacsville gang..LOL....after that 4 of us continue talking till 4.30am..they went back then i went walk around in gentng...hehehehe...5am went back to sleep
-end of day 2-

Woke up around 9am..Went to ostro's room..planning what we should do later...they planned of going bowling..hehehe..called up all the idols but all of them either phone takde batt, takde signal or dunwan to answer...LOL..then around 11am the idols came down and check out..take pix, avatar(as shown in this blog) and etc many people taking pix and stalking 1pm all the idols had left and went to makan..jadi Daniel's temporary a few fanatic daniel fan go and stalk daniel...LOL...what can we do? protect him..then he wanted to climb the mountain..then me, winson and jon went to eat...hehehe..after that went back to bowling...called MXV to find leon...they were at the 1st world food court, just beside the bowling..LOL..saw Xerra and her friends..hehehe...after saying hi and make the animated gif LOL..then went to bowling with Daniel and his parents...They played while I went walking around at 1st world...saw dina and Hazri..LOL..then balik hotel also saw them... sufiah, zamil, rydee and jac...LOL after we got our luagage..went back down to KL....reach Subang around 8.30pm...LOL
-end of day 3-

heheh talk about the finale... IT WAS THE BEST .....
Celebrate teacher's farewell party....Gave teacher some decoration item and a book. Hope both of the teacher remember and treasure the gifts. :P
Went home quickly prepare my stuff to Genting for the Malaysian Idol finale... :P
2.30pm only leave Subang, waited for Amir to pick me, Leon and Winson up from Carrefour Subang. Been listening to the CD that I burned earlier, contain Farah, Nita and some idol songs. :P On the way to Genting, the place was raining badly so as well the same with the visibility...blurry, cant see anything. And there are a few Malaysian Idol bantings and banners. Less than last year, and then fill with all the chinese singer's banting wakakakakaka....What else? one mercedes benz damn freaking arrogant by not switching the lights didn't see that car on our back..maybe got accident or something XDXD. Reached Theme Park hotel on 4.30pm. Phoned Jon cause he's the one that doing our room booking. After we checked in to the hotel. Amir started to unload his laptop and camcorder...hehe record the whole show....After he set up his things. We went down to First World Plaza to get something to eat. We went to Burger King and I encountered something freaky. Two girls which apparently asking for donation for all the unfortunate children. When I said I don't want and yet they still want to argue. In the end guess what the girl said? "I never met somebody like you!!!" LOL!!!! I was so shock...wakakakaka....guess thier are too desprete for donations...anyway after we ate, I followed Amir to get my camera and my banner then straight to Arena Of Stars. Met Shen Chun, Yong Wei, Dwayne, Gavin and Moo Chi Hau. Gave them the xtra ticket...hehehe...Then went to the gate..where us, the forummers went wild by screaming out loud..LOL...all the Daniel's fan scream like as if there is nobody...but who cares anyway..LOL...Went in and get a good place....WE managaed to get the center upper seats...Sat down and wait. Thats what we can do...LOL....After 1/2 hour had pass, met some of the MI1 finalists & MI2 finalists coming down. I said Hi to everyone...hehe, Sufiah's dress was great. Haven't met her since May. LOL...Then the other people...normal la...wakakaka...and Kak Jee's hairstyle looks like Alicia Key's..hehehee...then after that the show started... In case some of you don't know. Roslan was missing in action even the show had ady started. Then we started to shout "WHERE IS ROSLAN?" lol, I think the TV can listen what we shouted. XDXD, started off with PopYeYe and Shut Up by MI2 finalists.. IT was nicee..
The performence
- Daniel's Mimpi was pitchy (2/5), Heaven Knows(4/5), Angin Malam(3.5/5)
- Nita's Berhenti Berharap (4/5), Big Spender (3/5), Mimpi(4.5/5)
After that the duet, 'Kau Dihatiku/ You'll be In My Heart', the tarzan theme song. LOL...It was comment... But I got lots of comment on the audience...The audience are not sporting enough as someone had told me a few days ago that "priest, I heard you shouted something about Daniel's fan in a bad manner," I was saying that you people are not sporting enough, cheer only for Daniel while not Nita, the same goes to Nita's supporter. I'm so piss off...Only a few of the forummers actually gila gila and cheer like mad people LOL....
After the show, went back to hotel and watched the clip that Amir recorded. hehe...then went to underground mamak...and starbucks...LOL...Forumming in Genting...wakakaka....summore take and post wan...LOL picture...then after hanging out in starbuck for a few hours... Went to send Amir because he got something on at his college on the next morning...He went home around 2.30am and reach his house around 4.30am.. Er after that we went to Nim's room and talk, joke, gila gila
Later went back to hotel, talked to Ostrova and gang then went back to room. Leon and Winson continue thier day by playing PS1 while I went to bed because of sleepyness LOL...
-end of day 1-

Wake up at 7am. Misscalled Nim..LOL...thats the only thing I can do...then went walking around in the hotel..Doing nothing...thats damn around 10am, went to 1st world plaza as Ostro and the gang were eating in there...LOL...err...Met up with Nim and we went to McD to have our breakfast/lunch/branch..LOL..then 1pm there was this Meet The Judge we went there and see what's happening...hehehe...For our infomation, we can get VIP passes to the after party...OMFG...IT WAS A BOMB...wanted to get the passes, but someone went faster than us..dammit..but Teng and Ostro managed to get 6 passes..enough for 6 of us, Evon, Revo, Yen, Teng, Ostro and ME.. :D :D we were the most happening crowd there XDXD...ggagaga....going to storm 8Team at 2.45pm 1st world hotel lobby..wakakakaka...we go minum while waiting the time to pass...hehehehe.....went there...wanted to win the tix...but someone damn keji lorr...actually they played a game...something like musical chair and then makan biscuit...damn keji man...evon, yumi and a girl was the people that got thru and stand a chance to win the vip passes...but goddammit the girl played cheat...idiot man..pass the biscuit to her friends...and yet we cant say anything...evon stopped eating the biscuit and yumi is the one that gila gila eat until cry...damn those ppl..LOL..then went back to sleep....5.45pm storm 8team again...wakakakaka..also tak dapat..then masuk to Arena of stars with the VIP pass..while we were waiting for the show to start...some of them sleeping, some of them playing with phone and some of them talking..we know the show is going to be a blast
quick recap
-Michael with backup dancers...LOL
-Brineyboy once again
-MI1 finalist did Ku Bawa Sinar followed by Jac's Gemilang
-PingPong with her zombie move LOL!!!!
-MI2 finalist medley, Trish(Shakles), Ejay(Since U been gone), Xerra(Brown eyes, some whacko gave her ballons), Atilia(Natural Woman), Azam&adam(mentera semerah padi), Ash(With Or Without You), Faizull(Peronda Jaket Biru) & Farah(Ain't No Mountain High Enough), and Daniel & Nita came out with Menanti Jawapan and Higher Deeper, followed by MI2 and MI1 finalists...IT WAS THE BOMB...LOL
-Daniel announced as the 2nd Malaysian Idol...LOL..
along the show i've been screaming like mad people...LOL...
then straight balik hotel and watched the press conference...tried to call in to ask q but the line was busy..LOL...saw Nim ask q for a few times..:P then after the press conference we are going to PARTYYYY....hehehe i mean the postPARTY...yeahhh that the way...
Went to the entrace as if we're the VIP(LOL), went inside and say hi and take pix with season 1 finalists...hehehe...approach too many people... LOL...banyaknye orang in the place...LOL....then after Daniel and Nita arrive..hehee..all gone wild..after all taking pix etc etc..Went dancing in the floor(sort of clubbing la) LOL...not warm up boread decice to go said hi to people.... everyone was great...hehehehe...cant describe...the idols, forummers, judges etc etc was COOL AND HAPPENING..LOVE YA PEOPLE LOL!!!...then danced with Atilia, she's hot :P XDXDXD....and trish, Amir and NIM...the paling wild wan wakakakakaa...LOL and the party ended around 2.30am...went back to hotel, saw pingpong, vick, evon, ostro waiting for ppl..then went followed Amir to McD, then Shaz(one of the 8Team member) joined me and Amir for a drink in 1st world talk talk..then all of them had to go farah and her friends in the same restaurant...then went back to hotel, saw revo, ostro and evon drinking..waakaka..went to join them..saw azam & rydee... hehehe then trish & atilia went to buy something to eat....then ejay with her bf and finally jac and the jacsville gang..LOL....after that 4 of us continue talking till 4.30am..they went back then i went walk around in gentng...hehehehe...5am went back to sleep
-end of day 2-

Woke up around 9am..Went to ostro's room..planning what we should do later...they planned of going bowling..hehehe..called up all the idols but all of them either phone takde batt, takde signal or dunwan to answer...LOL..then around 11am the idols came down and check out..take pix, avatar(as shown in this blog) and etc many people taking pix and stalking 1pm all the idols had left and went to makan..jadi Daniel's temporary a few fanatic daniel fan go and stalk daniel...LOL...what can we do? protect him..then he wanted to climb the mountain..then me, winson and jon went to eat...hehehe..after that went back to bowling...called MXV to find leon...they were at the 1st world food court, just beside the bowling..LOL..saw Xerra and her friends..hehehe...after saying hi and make the animated gif LOL..then went to bowling with Daniel and his parents...They played while I went walking around at 1st world...saw dina and Hazri..LOL..then balik hotel also saw them... sufiah, zamil, rydee and jac...LOL after we got our luagage..went back down to KL....reach Subang around 8.30pm...LOL
-end of day 3-

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