Camp Cahaya VI
My overview, enjoyable but tiring and stressful.
As usual. I kena kantoi a lot of times XD. Disclipline is no1 when u're there.
Anyway, I went there with SJ. LOL, apparently I'm the on;y senior among them. heheh. 1 hour drive between Subang and Sungai Congkak. Leave our bags, register and start saying hi to other school.
Set up my tent, they had some spot check. I juz gave them my biscuits and fisherman's friend. Then shift my bag into the tent. Went for activities. I'm leader of the Gold group, which apparently it is one of the worst group *_*. I don't know wat I can do with that group. Hopeless.... -_-!! Anyway, we done the group activities. After that, kena kantoi from the ass. camp commander, for wat? Not being there within 10 sec. Then, the nightmare had begun. All the group leaders(total 10), had to go into the river and do 10 pushup. Cold. Then it was lunch time, had to eat using hand. *_* proceed with other activities. (terlupa). Had shower, dinner then some malam suai kenal. Pretty tired. The thing finished at 1am. Went to sleep.
Woke up at 6.30am. Kena kantoi for not being there by 7am. Nth happen la, some1 kena lantik as penghulu, the one that is very powerful. wakakaka. sang PBSM song and read the ikrar. Then went for morning warm up. Breakfast, have a course. First aid stuff. Taught us pendarahan, renjatan, angkat stretcher, balut wif kain anduk etc. Later afternoon got sumthin la(Team leader kena 50 pushup cause ppl wasting food). Mobilisasi means, they gave u a situation. In my case. sad to say, my team member including me. Pening, we did not noe wat to do, too panic i guess. One dude, can't evem do things properlly, guess he's playing a fool. Serious, he as the quadmaster, lost a few plates and cups -_-!! Dun wanna talk about it. Many people dislike him. sigh, it's a burden for all of us to have him in our group. Then it is the river walk. Kindda fast cause we'll a lil late behind. But everything is finee. UNtil malam kebudayaan. Each team need to do sumthin. -_-! I can only think of doing Gemilang. wakakakaka, of course I'm the one with the loudest voice wakakakaka.....Then got all kinds of things la lol....slept at 2am.
We had fun. It's fun fun fun. Played throughout the morning. Then is the interaction section. hehehe I asked one AJK's number nyeh nyeh nyeh. =P
then each group leader need to give a speech. matinye saya. I'm bad in it. But luckily, I juz said out my lame speech without text =) wakakka wore the t-shirt. Balik
Enjoy but tiring and stress
ps- when u're at the camp u need to regard those ajk as encik or cik and the kem commander as tuan.

The perimeter of the camp

Did u see the green tent? It's mine =)

The area where most of the time we will be there

Cik Min and Cik Hawa

Cik Prasana and another Cik(sorry ye) =P